Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Effects Of Storytelling On Expressions Of Empathy Essays (194 words)

Effects Of Storytelling On Expressions Of Empathy The present study examined affective and cognitive empathy in preschool children. Seventeen children, ages three to five years, were given The Young Children's Empathy Measure to determine their understanding of empathy. Participants were then read a children's story and given the empathy measure again, to see if they expressed more empathy after hearing about a sympathetic protagonist. A second baseline score was obtained one week after the story was administered. On measures of cognitive anger, mean scores increased significantly after the story was heard. Other scores increased after hearing the story, indicating a trend that storytelling is an effective method of increasing expressions of empathy. Affective empathy is defined as being able to know about and understand another person's feelings without having experienced the same situation (Feshbach, 1975). Children as young as three years of age have been shown to exhibit appropriate empathy toward others and to demonstrate corre ct understanding of others' emotions (Gove Poresky, 1990). Although young children can correctly express empathy toward others, empathic abilities do appear to increase as one grows older and is able to view the world in a less egocentric manner (Piaget, 1966). Numer...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

English Words Borrowed From the Chinese Language

English Words Borrowed From the Chinese Language Words taken completely or in part from another language are known as loanwords. In the English language, there are many loanwords that have been borrowed from Chinese languages and dialects. A loanword is not the same as calque, which is an expression from one language that has been introduced into another language as a direct translation. Many English-language calques also have origins in Chinese. Loanwords and calques are useful to linguists in examining when and how one culture processed its interaction with another. 10 English Words That Are Borrowed From Chinese 1. Coolie: While some claim that this term has its origins in Hindi, it’s been argued that it could also have origins in the Chinese term for hard work or è‹ ¦Ã¥Å â€º (kÇ” là ¬) which is literally translated as â€Å"bitter labor.† 2. Gung Ho: The term has its origins in the Chinese word Ã¥ · ¥Ã¥ Ë† (gÃ… ng hà ©) that can either mean to work together  or as an adjective to describe someone that is overly excited or too enthusiastic. The term gong he is a shortened word for industrial cooperatives which were created in China in the 1930s. During that time U.S. Marines adopted the term to mean someone with a can-do attitude. 3. Kowtow: From the Chinese Ã¥  ©Ã¥ ¤ ´ (kà ²u tà ³u) describing the ancient practice performed when anyone greeted a superior – such as an elder, leader, or emperor. The person had to kneel and bow down to the superior, making sure that their foreheads hit the ground. â€Å"Kou tou† is literally translated as â€Å"knock your head.† 4. Tycoon: The origins of this word comes from the Japanese term taikun, which was what foreigners called the shogun of Japan. A shogun was known to be someone who took over the throne and is not related to the emperor. Thus the meaning is typically used for someone who obtained power through might or hard work, rather than inheriting it. In Chinese, the Japanese term â€Å"​taikun† is Ã¥ ¤ §Ã§Å½â€¹ (d wng) which means â€Å"big prince.† There are other words in Chinese that also describe a tycoon including è ´ ¢Ã©Ëœâ‚¬ (ci f) and Ã¥ · ¨Ã¥ ¤ ´ (jà ¹ tà ³u). 5. Yen: This term comes from the Chinese word æ„ ¿ (yun) which means a hope, desire, or wish. Someone who has a strong urge for oily fast food can be said to have a yen for pizza. 6. Ketchup: The origins of this word are debated. But many believe that its origins are from either the Fujianese dialect for the fish sauce é ® ­Ã¦ ±  (guÄ « zhÄ « ) or the Chinese word for eggplant sauce èÅ'„æ ±  (qià © zhÄ «). 7. Chop Chop: This term is said to originate from the Cantonese dialect for the word Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¥ ¿ « (kui kui) which is said to urge someone to hurry up. Kuai means hurry in Chinese. â€Å"Chop Chop† appeared in English-language newspapers printed in China by foreign settlers as early as the 1800s. 8. Typhoon: This is probably the most direct loanword. In Chinese, a hurricane or typhoon is called Ã¥  °Ã© £Å½ (ti fÄ“ng). 9. Chow:  While chow is a breed of dog, it should be clarified that the term did not come to mean food because the Chinese hold the stereotype of being dog-eaters. More likely, chow as a term for food comes from the word è Å" (ci) which can mean food, a dish (to eat), or vegetables. 10. Koan: Originating in Zen Buddhism, a koan is a riddle without a solution, which is supposed to highlight the inadequacy of logic reasoning. A common one is â€Å"What is the sound of one hand clapping.† (If you were Bart Simpson, you would just fold one hand until you made a clapping noise.) Koan comes from the Japanese which comes from the Chinese for å… ¬Ã¦ ¡Ë† (gÃ… ng n). Literally translated it means common case.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Middle East and International Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Middle East and International Relations - Essay Example United Arab Emirates and Kuwait have shown their interests for the same, but Saudi Arabia sees this as disadvantageous to the regional cooperation in the region. Political  Concerns  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ With the mounting pressure of the international community to switch to democratic forms of government, there might by a ray of hope but the chances are still very few due to major groups and regimes still against democratization. Further, the weak, illiterate and unprotected citizens’ low demand for democracy and insufficient international pressure may not be sufficient for regime changes in the Middle East. Regional Clashes and Terrorism  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ the Arab – Israeli conflict is supposed to carry itself in the times to come and become a serious threat to the security of the region.  Also, since a major part global terrorism is being funded by the Middle East regimes, Terrorism will continue in more fragmented manner than before. Influence of China and India on the region –  China and India have emerged as the major power countries both as investors and consumers of the Middle East and this will tend to play an effective role in shaping the political as well as the economic reform of the region.  Ã‚  Moreover, in the wake of any changes in the regime structure, the Middle East refers to China and Russia as salient models than the US or any other democracy. Restoration of the  Shia  Community  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ the main impact of the US invasion on Iraq was the revival of the  Shia  community.  Shia  community is seen as a liberal party with an emotional  Ã‚  value and symbolism. Gaining power and acceptance once again into the society and political front in Iraq may lead to cross border harmonization of Iraq with other countries. A number of renowned  Shia  figures have spent time in Iraq and Iran and are now wiling to come back to Iraq, which may lead to significant political and social changes in the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Elise Smart's Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Elise Smart's Problem - Essay Example As the discussion highlights the various factors that influence sustained performance (ability, motivation, resources, role clarity, reinforcement) are examined, as well as steps leaders can take in improving performance of those for whom they are responsible. Since Elise Smart was so sure about the rating of Ketchum, Elise will suggest that Ketchum will undergo further training and understanding of her position in the organization. Because of the appraisal that she was getting Darlene Ketchum maybe is assuming that she is still doing the right thing. But Elise Smart sees it in a different way. Ketchum is no longer functioning as what she was before. Maybe because of several factors the performance of Ketchum declines without her knowing it. Elise Smart must show proof and facts that her observation on Ketchum performance is valid and accurate. This study outlines that the case of Elise Smart in the Milleneum Insurance are quiet tough. Smart must be able to show proof and facts that Darlene Ketchum deserves to have a very low appraisal such as data on poor performance and other mistakes that Ketchum has committed to correlate it with Elise’s report. It will be hard for Smart to convince the organization since Ketchum was appraised before as to be one of the excellent employees of the company. The problem is how will Smart will be able to show that her assessment and observation to Ketchum is valid. In the company during appraisal Elise need to discuss the assessment made to Ketchum and she will sign the assessment form. The problem of Elise is that whether Darlene Ketchum will accept the evaluation or not. How will Elise show the appraisal if Ketchum still assumes that she will have the excellent rating? Darlene Ketchum needs to sign the said evaluation before Elise Smart will be able to forward it to the vice-presid ent.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Famine in Third World States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Famine in Third World States - Essay Example But the countries of Africa are still dying of hunger. Why is that The main myth is that there is insufficient amount of foodstuffs produced in the country. But the fact is that the planet produces enough food to provide every individual with 3,500 calories every day. The problem is that many people are too poor to buy food, though even the poorest countries possess sufficient agricultural lands, and even export their products. In 1974 an outstanding philosopher Robert Nozick has created his theory of 'entitlement', which was outlined in his work 'Anarchy, state, utopia'. The main point of the theory is that the rights of an individual are sacred, and alienation of the property must be voluntary. He has acknowledged the necessity of the 'minimal state' which would deprive individuals the right of violence, but at the same time it would protect them from tyranny. Nozick was sure that any attempt to regulate the process of the property transfers is doomed to fail. The state must not dictate any redistribution of wealth, which can be presented in tax system. Nozick has absolutely rejected any idea of a 'social state'. It has always been easy to make nature guilty in people suffering from famine. But it should be remembered that only the poorest layers of the society suffer from hunger, though the nature is the same for everyone. The roots of the problem lie in politics, which makes effectiveness the corner-stone, and not sympathy. People are deprived of the right to earn enough money, they are made starve, thus becoming ready to give away their labor force for the minimal payment. The growth of population is also considered a problem. But it is interesting that active growth of population has never been a problem to developing countries. Such problem appears only in those countries where ineffective political system deprives people equal access to education, medicine, workplaces and social guarantees. According to Nozick, all actions of individuals must be voluntary, and here we see an absolutely different situation: the politics of the starving countries is consciously directed at depriving people of all possible rights. In the countries of the third world land belongs to large owners, who often appear to be ineffective in terms of business. The world experience shows, that small farmers receive 4-5 times larger crops than big farmers do. But in poor countries the inner policy is directed at concentrating all the land in the hand of few owners, thus giving people no right for equal access to land and its products. Nozick was the supporter of the idea that all individuals must have free access to all resources and he also bore an idea of the free market with minimal limitations. But I should say, that to my mind, the idea of free market have never solved the problem of famine. The formula 'free market is good, government is bad' has never helped with eliminating famine in third world states. In every state government is occupied with the redistribution of resources. In this problem authorities must help consumers, especially the poorest ones, with the help of tax preferences, grants, and credits. In such situation the state and the population supplement each other thus creating an

Friday, November 15, 2019

Utilitarianism The Pursuit Of Happiness Philosophy Essay

Utilitarianism The Pursuit Of Happiness Philosophy Essay The phrase life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, enshrined in the founding documents of the United States, was derived from John Locke. Lockes formulation, however, was life, liberty, and property. In choosing the broader formulation pursuit of happiness, the framers were certainly not drawing from John Stuart Mill, since they wrote many decades before he did. They were writing and thinking in the same philosophical tradition, which goes ultimately back to Aristotle. Mill, however, has given us in Utilitarianism the most concise, analytical interpretation of this concept. What is meant by happiness, and what justifies regarding it as the goal either of a political system or of a system of ethical philosophy? In everyday usage, we use it most often in the sense of being pleased (Im happy you could come), or of general well-being (Happy Birthday!). It has pleasant connotations, but not, in everyday usage, particularly lofty ones. One might expect moral philosophy, or even political philosophy and statecraft, to seek some more profound goal. Mill, however, constructs his approach to moral philosophy from the bottom up. He starts from the premise that we naturally seek out pleasant experiences, and try to avoid pain or unpleasant experiences. At first glance this might appear to be an invitation to mere hedonism, eat, drink, and be merry. However, human experience shows that pleasant experiences are not limited to the material. We enjoy music, for example, and friendship, and seek these things out. Indeed, we often find satisfaction in experiences that mi ght well be arduous and even unpleasant, such as running a marathon. Even the effort of living up to a system of values carries its satisfactions (7-8). The sum total of these satisfactions and pleasures, or dissatisfactions and miseries, though the course of a lifetime constitutes our overall happiness or unhappiness (3-4). Happiness is therefore the good life not in the narrow sense of a house in the suburbs, convenient to a golf course (though not excluding these things), but in the broadest sense of a satisfying and joyous human existence. This, suggests Mill, is our goal in life, not imposed on us by some moral authority or power, but as a consequence of our human nature. Moreover, the pursuit of happiness extends even as a purely practical matter beyond our own condition of life to the condition of the society in which we live. Even if our motives are entirely selfish, for example, we have a vested interest in a society in which, for example, theft and robbery are not the general because we do not wish to be robbed or stolen from. (Even a professional thief benefits from not being a victim of theft as well.) The same practical principle can be extended to vices and virtues in general: We are all better off for living in a society where virtues are general practiced (31-32). However, what produces the general condition of a society but the behavior of the people who make it up. A burglar may benefit from living in a society where people do not lock their doors, but his behavior makes society less likely to display such mutual trust. If we wish to live in a virtuous society, therefore, it is in our interest to practice the virtues ourselves. What goes around, after all, comes around. Indeed, Mill speaks of a contagion of sympathy, a sort of virtuous cycle (the opposite of a vicious cycle) in which the practice of virtue encourages virtue in others, and improves the condition of life for all. This implicitly is what the founding fathers had in mind. A free society does not seek to impose virtue by fiat, but depends on the general practice of virtue to sustain itself. By aiding in the pursuit of happiness by others, we improve our own chances of pursuing it. A contemporary issue on which Mills propositions might shed light is the controversy over gay marriage. Many people, perhaps most people, have found the idea strange or shocking when first presented. Some fear that it would destroy marriage. However, it is hard to see how permitting gays to marry detracts from marriages between men and women. Their marriages are unchanged. What permitting gay marriage does is permit a new satisfaction a further pursuit of happiness for gay couples. Moreover, by recognizing such couples, it encourages gay individuals to seek stable relationships, improving the condition of society as well as their own lives. Thus, the pursuit of happiness, combined with Mills analysis of how ethical principles can be built up from our knowledge of human existence, casts a powerful light on how we can interpret social issues and their possible resolution. Source Cited Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 1979. (Original publication 1861.)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Implementation of K-12 Essay

Why add two years? This is the question everybody is asking. â€Å"We need to add two years to our basic education. Those who can afford pay up to fourteen years of schooling before university. Thus, their children are getting into the best universities and the best job after graduation. I want at least 12 years for our public school children to give them an even chance at succeeding. †President Benigno S. Aquino† These are the words that really made a great impact to me. Since, at first I was one of the many individual who also questioned this change of curriculum. But as I have watched the AVP that question was answered by these words of our president. I could say K+12 Curriculum is a good program of the department of education since it is presented that it will decongest and enhance the basic education curriculum. It will also give better quality education. It was also mentioned in the AVP the benefits of this curriculum such as; The Enhanced K+12 Basic Education Program will be instrumental in achieving the nation’s vision of high school graduates. The benefits of the K+12 proposals far outweigh the additional costs that will be incurred by both government and families. An enhanced curriculum will decongest academic workload. Graduates will possess competencies and skills relevant to the job market. Graduates will be prepared for higher education. Graduates could now be recognized abroad. The economy will experience accelerated growth in the long run. The Philippine education system will be at par with international standards. A better educated society provides a sound foundation for long-term socio-economic development. Learning comes when you better understand the things that are taught to you. As an educator I could relate to this since I have seen that children can interact more if they know and they understand the words or language you’re using. Thus making the curriculum decongested can really help the pupils to better understand their lesson and acquire more learning. I am a grade I teacher in Masulog Elementary School, and as part of the K+12 Curriculum grade I teacher use the MTBMLE (Mother Tongue Based Multi-lingual Education) as learning area and used as medium of instruction in this way children can easily recognized things, express their thoughts and for me understand their lesson so maximum learning is acquired. It also helps in bridging or transition Filipino and English as language of instruction introduced in Grade 3. For me I would say that I agree with the viewpoint expressed in the AVP, K+12 Curriculum can really alleviate the standard of education. It will also give every learner an opportunity to receive quality education based on an enhanced and decongested curriculum that is internationally recognized and comparable. Though there are issues and concerns with this new curriculum like competencies demanded of teachers for effective implementation of K+12 especially in grades 11-12 (pre-service and In-service Education, preparedness of DepEd K+12 BEP implementers (teachers, school heads, supervisors), transition period in the MTBMLE progression program, MT proficiency of teachers in the MTBMLE program, preparation of learning materials, literary and informational texts in K+12 and more. But, if education could be the only best option to secure the future of our youth, all of us are here to support this option.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Pamphlet analysis Essay

The purpose of this film pamphlet is to influence and persuade as much people as people to watch the film. The pamphlet also briefly describes what the film is going to be about. This pamphlet attempts to do these things by visual, layout and language features to achieve its purpose. A visual feature that helps to achieve its purpose is colour which is all over the film pamphlet. Colours may be used to create a feeling or mood depending on the context. In this particular film pamphlet, the colours have been put together to establish a romantic feel. The two most obvious colours on the cover of the film pamphlet are the orange of the title and the red of the chilli. These two colours are clearly creating a romantic sense. The tone of the title is quite light and that helps emphasise the feel of the advertisement for the title is called A Touch of Spice. Having a light tone makes it seem as though the title was written out with orange spices and supports the word touch in the title which means a small amount in this context. The large chilli on the front of the cover is highly saturated. The red on the chilli is of a high degree of purity and that helps the advertisement gain the attention of consumers and also creates a romantic feel in this context. Red in this ad can be seen as an allusion because red is a very popular colour on Valentines Day [] which is seen as a very romantic day where many people buy cards and flowers and even plan special occasions for the ones they love. The many colours on this pamphlet achieve their purpose by creating a romantic feeling or mood and that will hopefully lure many people who like romantic films to watch this particular film. Another visual feature that helps to achieve its purpose is the font sizes and writing style of the text on the film pamphlet. Font sizes and styles can be used to help create a sense or mood by doing things such as looking if as though the writing were done in blood, this would create a sense of horror or danger. The title A Touch of Spice on the film pamphlet is the most large and clear because of its background. The title is usually in the largest font and in this case, it is no different. This is used to hopefully gain the attention of the consumer to come and watch the film or pick up the pamphlet. The title is written in a very natural way so it makes it seem as  though someone had put some spices on a table and written the titles out with their finger. It is quite cleat that the font is not times new roman because there are lines that are sticking out of the letters which creates the effect that to make it seem as though as if it were written. By having the title in such a way it creates a mysterious and exotic feel. On the back of the film pamphlet, there is a small section of writing where it is obvious that it is in a foreign language. The small section in a different language almost guarantees that the film will be from another country. Using this technique, it will be able to attract as much viewers as possible who like foreign films and in turn achieve its purpose. A very effective technique on this particular film pamphlet would be the logo. A logo can be used to help the advertisement gain the attention from consumers such as the Sony logo on one of their products. The logo on their product would tell the consumer that the product was at a very high quality because of their reputation. On this particular film pamphlet, a logo or badge has been put in the corner of it saying that is was the no.1 film at the Greek box office for an amazing 7 weeks. This would assure many viewers that the film would be good because of its great performance in Greek. The logo achieves its purpose by hopefully building a good reputation, which the quotes on the back of the pamphlet also do, so it is able to lure as much viewers as possible to watch the film. A language technique that is used on this particular film pamphlet is repetition. Repetition is often used to help send a message across to a viewer and help them to remember the message that was put across. Repetition is ubiquitously found on the cover of the film pamphlet. The theme of spices and food is found all over the cover of the film pamphlet in simple sentences. Cinnamon is bitter and sweet, just like a womanA beautiful, touching romance that will leave you craving for moreSalt is used as needed to spice up ones lifePepper is hot and scorches, just like the sunAll of these sentences, which are all found on the front cover, refer to a theme of spices and food and then link the food to another subject such as a woman or life. The  repetition on this film pamphlet is attempting to reinforce the title A Touch of Spice which emphasises the fact that the film is a romantic film and would leave them craving for more. The repetitive messages of spices and links to romance would have been received by the viewer and so achieves its purpose so enticing them to come and watch the film. Another language technique used on this film pamphlet is adjectives. Products and services are usually described with adjectives to hopefully appeal to consumers to purchase the product. In this particular case, adjectives are not used to describe the film itself but to describe other things which the film is relating to. The film pamphlet compares spices to things such women. Cinnamonis better and sweet just like a womanPepper is hot and scorches, just like the sunBoth of these quotes contain adjectives to describe spices and link them to romantic themes. The second quote links pepper to the sun where they say both are hot. This creates a sense of passion and exoticness to viewers so they understand that this film is a romantic one. Another language feature that is used to help the film pamphlet achieve its purpose is persuasive language. Persuasive language helps to convince consumers by using powerful and effective language to hopefully get people to buy the product. On the back of the film pamphlet, there are four quotes from people who seemed to have watched the movie and enjoyed it. A film of international standards and genuine emotionis undoubtedly one of the best gastronomic movies I have intensely moving experienceAll these quotes are the reviews or opinions of those who have already watched the film. The people who created this particular chose these reviews because it is their opinion that the film is of a very high quality. By getting the message through to the consumer that the film is actually good, more people would be interested to watch the movie so the film pamphlet has achieved its purpose. A layout technique which has been used on this film pamphlet is text boxes. Text boxes are usually used in ads to help make the ad easier to read and to  help all of the text to stand out. For this film pamphlet, there are many text boxes because there are many sections of text on the back with equal importance. On the back of the film pamphlet, there are many quotes which praise the film and the advertisers would have wanted to make sure that the viewers did not miss that section. The blurb is also in a text box and that is where the creators of the film give their own description of the film and where they give their own praise. Boxes have not been only to help text to be read more easily but also for images to stand out. Since there are many pictures on the back cover of the film pamphlet, they can be made more easily seen and recognised if they are in boxes. Text boxes have been effectively used in this film pamphlet to help important information to be unmissed and easily read and that is how they achieve their purpose. The film pamphlet is created to help attract as much viewers as possible to watch their movie. The film pamphlet attempts to do so by using visual, language and layout techniques to help inform people that the film is of a high quality so they can persuade as many people as possible. bibliography: pamphlet 1994

Friday, November 8, 2019

Feminist Therapy Critique essays

Feminist Therapy Critique essays Some people believe that the roles that have been set for males and females affect the life choices of growing and grown-up humans excessively. As women begin to form self-images, they measure themselves against unrealistic standards. Many of these standards involve role stereotypes set up by Western cultures. Although people believe they are unable to see how our culture has differing roles for men and women, many attitudes reflect bias, prejudice and stereotypes along the lines of sexual and gender expectations (Worrell, 2002). People need to look at the roles that women and men are expected to play in Western culture, for they differ a lot from what a person really can and wants to do in their life. Women who try to work and have a family and be equal to their husband have a doubly hard row to hoe. They must not only be successful in their job, but they have to be successful in raising their children, keeping the house and staying on top of their job responsibilities as well. There just isnt enough time in the day. If men had an equal share in raising a family, time and responsibility-wise, then it would be much easier on the women. When women are expected to work and yet not receive equal compensation, it is difficult to become the kind of successful career person that one thinks one will become when one was young. There seems to be a glass ceiling near the top of the career ladder that will not let women advance any farther than a certain rung in the career I always wanted to excel in. This ceiling will not let me reach my full potential and affects me psychologically, knowing that no matter how hard I try, Ill never be able to do what men do. I feel angry and frustrated at this. Another thing that affects women is that men can say whatever they want and women have to be careful what they say, or they will be taken to be rude, abusive and unladylike. A man can swear when he wants to get a...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Blood Essays - Transfusion Medicine, Blood Donation, Hematology

Blood Essays - Transfusion Medicine, Blood Donation, Hematology Blood There is a crisis. It is the shortage of blood. We need more blood donors. There's no substitute for human blood vital for delivering oxygen and nutrients, removing waste, healing and fighting infection. A person's blood can, however, be shared with others. Every day, thousands of Americans in need of lifesaving blood, including trauma victims and surgery patients, rely on the efforts of volunteer blood donors. We need a steady flow of blood donors to keep our blood supply stable. Many people are eligible to be donors. The biggest requirement is being healthy. Approximately 4 million Americans receive donated blood each year; a demand of nearly 40,000 units each day. Donating blood is a simple, relatively painless procedure that requires a small time commitment. Understanding the steps involved with donating can make it easier for those who may be considering rolling up their sleeves. In addition to good health, blood donors must weigh at least 110 pounds, be at least 18 years of age or be 16 and have parental permission. Those who are currently taking any medications such as aspirin, allergy medication, sleeping pills and Tylenol are still eligible to donate, as are those who have received a hepatitis B vaccine. People who cannot donate include anyone who has a blood-borne disease or who might be at high risk of contracting one. Other conditions excluding potential donors are being pregnant, having low iron or having a cold or the flu. There is no charge for blood. And prior to donating, volunteers must complete a standard screening procedure. This includes filling out a questionnaire on health history and answering standard health screening questions. Donors will then receive a brief physical exam, which includes reading of temperature, pulse and a test for anemia. Donors who satisfy screening requirements will then have approximately one pint of blood extracted. The entire process usually lasts about 45 minutes. Donating blood takes only from 5 to 7 minutes. Giving blood is safe. No one gets any disease by donating. A sterile needle is used once for each donor and then destroyed. Blood donors can usually resume normal activities within 10 to 15 minutes after donating. It's recommended that a person first sit down, rest momentarily and consume liquids. Since a person's blood volume will be reduced by 10 percent from donating blood, it is also recommended that volunteers avoid strenuous physical activities immediately following. Fluids lost from donating blood are usually replenished within 24 hours, while it can take several weeks to replace lost red blood cells. Because of this, volunteers must wait eight weeks between donation times. To avoid bruising in the arm, donors should also steer clear of heavy lifting for several hours. Some people feel afraid the first time they donate. Youll find out your fears are exaggerated. But youll find it out only after youve donated. Some people think that they dont have blood to spare. The average adult body has about 10 to 12 pints of blood. You give one pint of blood when you make a whole blood donation, and your blood volume will be replaced within 24 hours. Some people say that its too inconvenient to donate blood. Simply make an appointment for the time thats convenient for you. If the blood center isnt convenient for you, just call a recruitment department and theyll find a blood mobile that is. Usually churches, businesses, schools and civic organizations in your community host bloodmobiles every day of the week. Most often some people say that theyll only give in an emergency situation. It can take 24-48 hours to complete the laboratory tests that must be done on every unit of blood. Blood must be donated before an emergency arises. Its simply not feasible to try to save your blood in case someone you know needs it. Currently less than 5% of those eligible to give blood actually do. The demand for blood and blood products is constantly increasing, and those increasing needs can only be met by an increasing amount of donors. More blood donations are needed now than at any other time in our nations history. The American Red Cross had recently reported that there has been a critical shortage

Sunday, November 3, 2019

European and international business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

European and international business - Essay Example Globalization has accelerated in recent years, a development that have significant implications for the regulation and governance of international business, trade and investment. International business implies no fundamental shift in the underlying principles of trading or business functions but simply more cross – border transactions .In simpler terms it includes all commercial transactions – private and governmental – between two or more countries. Private companies undertake such transactions for profit; governments may or may not do the same in their transactions International Business comprises a large and growing portion of the world’s total business. The world have seen a tremendous increase in the global transactions and foreign trade in the recent years. The main reason behind this is that now more and more countries are getting engaged in trading with each other in order to increase their profit or sales or protecting them from being eroded by co mpetition. The main objectives which are influencing the companies to engage in international business are expansion of sales, acquiring resources, minimizing competitive risk and diversification of sources of sales and supplies (Johnson & Turner, 2003). Besides these there are few other factors like economic factors, cultural factors, technological factors, and social factors which have influenced to a greater extent.Reasons for recent international business growth:-It’s hard to determine just how much international business has occurred at different times in history. ... -> Development of supporting services -> Increase in global competition Expansion of technology: In recent years, the pace of technological advances has accelerated to greater heights and the knowledge of products and services is available more quickly and widely due to communication and transportation technology. By increasing the demand for new products and services, technology has tremendous impact on international business. As the demand increases, so do the number of international business transactions. The recent technological improvement led to the production of high quality products at lower cost. As a result, the domestic countries have entered foreign countries to find market for their products. Liberalization of cross - border movements: Every country restricts the movement across its borders of goods and services and the resources, such as workers and capital to produce both .These restrictions hinder the international trade and thus the government today has imposed fewer restrictions on cross - border movements in order to facilitate trade. With the enactment of the World Trade Organizations (WTO) in 1995, the restrictions imposed on international trade are diminishing. There are many reasons as for why the government has reduced the restrictions. Few among them are: their domestic products will become more efficient as a result of foreign competition, their citizens expressing the desire for better access to a larger variety of goods and services to lower prices and so on (Rugman & Brewer, Nov 2001). Development of supporting services: Companies and governments have developed services which earn international business. For example, banks have developed efficient means for companies to receive

Friday, November 1, 2019

European Union Debt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

European Union Debt - Essay Example The European Union debt crisis was a fusion of complex elements in the world market. The globalization of finance and facilitation of easier access to credit in 2002-2008 period enhanced risky lending and borrowing among the member states. Moreover, the fiscal policies, trade imbalances and property bubbles accelerated the dept status (Dikson, Julie, and Pavlos 30). The governments were losing money following the banking system bailouts to defaulters of the property bubble. Furthermore, the pension commitments and the unsustainable public wages increased the debt level (Lynn 11). The increased capital and savings in the global pool of the European Union and other investors set the policy and regulatory structures in the member countries. This is because lenders and borrowers were quick to transact thus generating economic bubbles in each continent (El-Agraa 39). A decline in the monetary value resulted in significant losses and declines in property values. However, the liabilities owed to the global investors remained at constant prices resulting in major losses to the borrowers and insolvency of banks and government (Crifò 30). According to Sanghera (21), the Northern countries, such as Norway and Sweden, were able to cope with the crisis because their governments lent capital to property developers. This generated huge property bubbles. When the bubbles collapsed, their governments and citizens assumed private debts. These reduced excessive burden to the government to bail the nation out. After some time, these nations were able to retain a fair economic position with better employment percentage. In Greece, however, the government enhanced its commitment to the public employees by facilitating higher wages and pension settlements. Notably, the employment wage bill doubled exponentially in real terms. Moreover, the banking systems grew quickly creating enormous external